Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Ruin by the selling out

Hello guys.
Just finished playing football with my student. My team won 4-2 and i manage to make 1 beautiful assist after i've changed my position from the goalie to the midfielder. Cool huh!!.

From now on... students will not gonna call me "Tuan Saiful" lagi but with my newly given nickname, "The Flying Englishman" because i was like flying here and there saving the ball and then for i am their english teacher. Cool lagi...!!!

Hmm.. enough with that. Still currently feeling low. Rasa tak semangat nak bercakap. Guess i'll just be quiet for a few days. I'll just speak up when smthing important came up. Bad (my housemate) realized the sudden change in my personality... tapi takpe. Ni kira macam period lelaki la ni. Hhahahhahahah!!!

Blog hopped to my friend blog today. It seems like she and all my other friends whose currently working there is having difficulties. Sedih laa tgh all my friends are having such hellful times. I do hope everything will be great soon. Let us all berdoa for that ok.

Cukup for now... esok still have to mengajar 2 hours lagi. Boring sungguh. But then petang boleh main bola lagi. Hahhahaha "The Flying Englishman".

p/s: missed someone a lot kot? Hhahahhahaha. Ntah. Hhahahhahahhahaha!!! Gilalah!!!

Trigger Happy

I am currently inside the school's computer lab. Boring sungguh. I got 2 period classes at 11 to 1.

Hmm... Need to bust my head open writing question paper for the form 4 students. Apa takde cikgu lain yang lebih berkelayakan ke? Ahh... just buat saja lah. Benda simple. Takperlu to gaduh2 about it.

Injured my foot last night. Was feeling down. I did some serious thinking last night and tak sedar smpai jatuh longkang. I did not speak to any of my housemates at all. Guess some people wouldn't understand other people problems. So, why bother to tell other people. Hhahhhaa.

Today is not much different either. It sux. All my friends will look for me whenever they're in trouble, bila senang... takde pulak cari kan? Hhahhaa. Biasalah tu manusia. Alhamdullillah, i don't think that i'm able to be like that. Kalau ada susah pun i'll look for my friends, kalau seronok pun i will look for my friends. Hhahhaha cool!!!

Apa apa hal pun... have fun folks. Take good care of yourself. May God bless u all.

p/s: the word care is easy to be said but it is very difficult to do

Sunday, April 24, 2005

The summary

I'll just put everything in a brief summary on what had happen these past few weeks. Hahhahhaahaha... gila lah hectic.

1) Kalau dulu i'm free 24/7, now tak lagi. I'm currently working as a lecturer/instructor dekat Maktab Tentera Diraja (RMC).
2) Cloudburst is currently doing great.
3) Having to give a lot of speeches here and there as a guest.
4) Yesterday and today, i was invited as an honorary guest judge for the HELP University College - National English Debate Competition. Best!!!.
5) The youngest male bachelor of the school. So, currently kita HOT stuff sekolah. Hahhahaha.
6) Will handle/in charge of many other activities = hectic hours.
7) Syasya and Khaliz finally made it thru. Kawin cepat2, elak maksiat. hahhaha.
8) My current health is OK, i think. Cuma minor migrain saja. Guess i'll be fine for now. Hahhaa.

There's more to type in tapi maybe later lah. I got so many work to do. See ya!!!

p/s: Khaliz... take good care of syasya and niena.. they both are very important family of mine. Hahhaha.

Bobby's out

- Love, Rock, Peace, Sacrifices!!!

Scrap Metal!!!

I'm back and currently recovering. Been sewel for the last 3 weeks back. Hahahha. Biasalaa tu. Sekarang ni gila hectic with life. Apa2 hal pun, i'm back and flying high. Feel free to post on any new messages. Kalau ada any masalah u know where to find me...

Finally, "the man" is back!!!